Day 021 – Forgiveness is Instant Healing

2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Mario Robinson -

Day 021 – Forgiveness is Instant Healing

I have had moments where there was so much anger and frustration built up that if I didn’t let go, I would definitely have an outburst. Moments losing loved ones, being laid off from past jobs, and being disappointed by those closest to me have all been horrible experiences. But the one thing I maintain control of, is MY ability to forgive. MY forgiveness can be granted whether I am forgiven or not. In those moments, I learned to forgive myself.  The process must be repeated whenever the negative thoughts rise. I recognize that I cannot alter my past, however I have full control over my future steps. I have found forgiveness to provide instant healing. I do realize that it is easier said than done for it is much harder to forgive self than others. We are often our worst critics. So here is moving one day at a time, one moment at a time and forgiving along the way.

#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #dream #dreamer #visionary #seeitbelieveit #execute #forgive #powerofforgiveness #selfhealing