DAY 073 – Your Imagination Is the Blueprint to Your Dreams

2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

DAY 073 – Your Imagination Is the Blueprint to Your Dreams

It is so easy to use our imagination as kids. It flows effortlessly almost 24hrs per day. As I got older, it became harder to tap into that side of me. Introduce a family, jobs, and bills and everything changes. As of lately I’ve seen more of my dreams become reality. I talk with my business partners (brothers) and we recall everything being done as parts of our earlier imaginations. Things we wrote and drew on paper decades ago are now happening. Our imaginations were the blueprint to our dreams! So now we talk almost daily to have those creative discussions. We talk future plans as if they are now. We allow ourselves to think outside the box, even if we imagine technologies that do not currently exist. I love imagining life with no limits.

#8robinsons #8robinsonstv #untamedcreativebeings #yellowtubcreative #leadership #management #imagination #blueprint