011 I Needed a Recalibration

011 I Needed a Recalibration

Week 11 of 2024 Found me enjoying the discoveries of new and returning plant life in my garden. See, we do not dig our elephant ear bulbs up in the winter to replant in the spring as suggested in colder climates. We wait nervously, each spring to find out if they will grow back or not. I found a lesson on patience, trust, and faith there. So, I smiled while looking down at the new stems breaking through the soil. Is it so much easier to have faith that my plants will grow from the seeds I’ve sown, than to believe that my dreams will become reality from the goals I’ve accomplished? I know that the grass is greener wherever we choose to take care of it. I’m dedicated to taking care of me and my village. So, this week I’ve become more deliberate in my pursuit of happiness. I created process maps that not only outline my present, but they also provide a clear path to my future. I pulled my trusted notepad back out so that I can get better at writing down my thoughts and weekly tasks. It is like I am recalibrating. Spring is in the air and it’s time for me to bloom again!

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