018 It Is OK to SHUTUP
Week 18 0f 2024 There are times when there are no words to say. Only thoughts and feelings. Both things that are not meant to be verbalized in the moment. I’m learning to hold these moments as sacred. They are so valuable in the building of character and perseverance. One word that I have always hated was “shutup”. Lol! It immediately makes me want to say some things. It pulls out every rebellious ounce of DNA I have in my body. Now look at me. Shutting up. Holding my words and even feelings from public display. Enjoying the solitude I have found in this moment. This is mine to experience. Mine to treasure and appreciate for whatever it is worth. Taking the good and the bad of it and making mental space to hold it. I am building greatness in silence at the moment and there is nothing wrong with that.