03 Take a Tour of My Process
Week 03 of 2024 – Ever been some place that you could not leave, and you could not stay at the same time. This is the best way I know how to describe what I feel each time a design request comes. So, I take some time to review the request, then I meditate to mentally align what the client desires with what’s floating in my imagination. It’s kind of crazy to find out that the bulk of my design work happens before I ever start to physically create anything. I’ve sat for days on a request. Trying to wrestle images from out of my thoughts to the paper or computer. I only know that I cannot leave the process, and that I cannot stay in the moment conceptualizing. I have no choice but to move forward and output a deliverable. There have been times where I’ve had to pass a project along to the next person. Times where for whatever reason, the creative Gods would not send me anything to work with. Then there are other times when it seems the world opens up for me and I can see everything so clearly from colors to fonts to images. I’ve won awards and gained recognition in these moments. Then the moment passes, and a new project comes across my desk, and I’m back in that space. Where the only things that I know is that I cannot leave, and I cannot stay at the same time.