043 Dance Like No One is Watching
I spent some time filming a kids break dance battle this weekend. I learned so much while sitting with my new Panasonic Lumix SFII, trying to learn how to catch motion shots and adjust for the lighting. I loved their ability to tune out everything around them and dance in their own unique styles. They didn’t worry about their mistakes. Some of the most skilled dancers had no concern about how they appeared to others and that’s exactly what it takes to dance YOUR style. It’s amazing to learn that at such a young age. Here I am, 48yrs old, and I care so much about how others see me. Most times, it’s to a fault because I will change little things about myself to fit in. I dare to be more like these kids. Thank you @honeyrockwell for what you do with the kids at @rockwelldanceacademy and across the globe. You not only inspire them, but you also motivate and inspire adults like myself. To dance like no one is watching is much easier said than done. I wish I would have learned to dance at a young age. Maybe it’s not too late to start.