Day 221 - Possessions weigh you down
I often wonder why the Storage business remains booming in America. I see new facilities open quarterly yet you can still end up on a waiting list for a good storage location. But not only do we carry an excessive amount of stuff, we also carry our past which includes so much mess that we don’t really need. I’ve had several homes since I bought my 1st and everyone of them would fill up with so much stuff that I was no longer using. I’ve given away couches, bicycles, gym equipment, framed art and thrown away broken lamps, busted radios and wondered why do I keep stuff that doesn’t even work anymore. Got to laugh at yourself right? Then I search within I start to find heavy thoughts that feel like burdens. I discover past memories that feel like 100’s of pounds. And it was not until a few years ago that I begin to shed it all. I adopted a minimalist approach to it all. Had I used it in the past six months. If not then I didn’t need it. Does the thoughts help me in anyway? If not then I replace them with new beautiful memories. It is constant work, I know. A repeated evaluation of self and life. Financial freedom isn’t the only kind I seek. This freedom is 100% in my control and I no longer want the stuff lingering in my homes nor in my thoughts.
#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #mentalfreedom #minimalist #declutter #selfmanagement