2025 Week 05 Learning to Accept Peace
Let's be honest, family is a big deal. Whether we like it or not, it shapes who we are and how we see the world. I’m hopelessly optimistic when it comes to my family. We struggle, have disagreements, and don’t see eye to eye on many things just like any other family. But when a cry for help goes out, there is always someone ready to act. When it is asked for, we also give each other space. Space to heal, figure it out, or simply to explore life independently. There is an authentic love there that I have never been able to replicate outside of my family unit (but I still try however hopeless it may seem). Love for life, love for work, love for my fellow human and love for the process of growing together are all goals of mine. When this translates into everyday life, relationships, and business, life seems extremely easy. There are moments that everything feels too good to be true and I’ve had to learn to accept that feeling. We can get so used to chaos and turmoil that we create or seek it out to feel something. I’ve had first-hand experience with that. The chaos, misinformation, and verbal jousting of today’s society is too much for us and maybe we have all just become so numb to it that it has become the new norm. Peace can be boring. Getting along despite differences can be felt as settling or giving up “the fight”. So, the challenge is to find the enjoyment in the calm and peaceful. There is just as much love in a soft smile as a long hug. A verbal “thank you” and a head nod says the same thing in my family (well my dad and uncles may playfully wrestle or box you lol!). Where I’m from, you can find love in almost everything, and the love has so much more than 5 languages.