Entry 003: Read
Imagination fails to exist where all our images are provided. Reading seems to have been replaced with 30-60second bytes of non-essential information sprawled across social media. But that’s not true. We can change our personal algorithms by not engaging with content that doesn’t uplift, heal, or even make us laugh in a healthy way. A book is essential enough. They allow the mind to create worlds and towns and landscapes and people we have never met personally before. Reading exercises the brain in ways I cant fully explain. I used to think imagination stopped once we become adults. But through art, music and a good book here and there, I’ve found ways to tap into my imagination almost as if I were a child again. It doesn’t take drugs or alcohol to see beauty all around us. We only have to close our eyes and wonder. If it doesn’t work, we keep doing it until it does. Until there is a spark in the universe that lights our souls up. Until there is a person, a place or even a blue bird on a tree outside that makes us smile again. It’s almost spring again and I hope that the flowers and green things that grow and take over landscapes cause our hearts to shift and our minds to imagine. Imagination fails to exist where all our images are provided.
#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #8robinsonstv #yellowtubcreative #supadopefresh #mariorobinson #imagination #read #meditate