Mario's 2023 Journal RSS

#8robinsonstv, maintaining peace is war, Mario DeBlak Robinson, sleep -

Not from getting beat up, working too hard, or exercising too much, but from mental exhaust. I woke up on top of a bed full of laundry. No. it had not been folded yet. My bedroom door was wide open, and I always sleep with my door closed (and locked even). The lights in my room were on. I laid down at 9:30pm, phone in hand, to scroll social media. I woke up at 5:52AM, just 8 minutes before my 6AM alarm would go off. Almost mad at myself because I didn’t finish the items on my to do list for the day…

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#8robinsonstv, Mario DeBlak Robinson, Mental Health -

Every single morning that I wake up, I am faced with 1000's of decisions that cloud my mind. Positive and negative thoughts that compete for my time and attention. They desire my action. They crave for immediate execution. I am no where near the boy I used to be. I got this. I make the decision to rise from sleep, make my bed, wash my face brush my teeth. Good. I've won this morning (tomorrow who knows?).

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#8robinsonstv, 2023 Blog, 8 robinsons, Deblak, Mario Robinson -

It took me years to learn how to block out people’s opinions of me whether they were voiced, written or simply implied. I teach that we should never let someone’s opinion of us set the reality of who we are. The only way to impact opinion and perception is to consistently be the most authentic version of yourself that you can be. Once that is mastered, then focus on projecting yourself. Own your story. Be proud of who you are becoming. Reintroduce yourself to those who only know the old you. Especially when meeting people from your past or those who seem to be stuck in “your” past.

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#8robinsonstv, 2023 Blog, 8 robinsons, 8 Robinsons TV, Mario Robinson -

Just 3 years ago you could not have told me that I would be owning a Digital TV studio with a brick-and-mortar location. Over the last 3 months we have partnered with Rockwell Dance Academy to create a media center that houses 8 Robinsons TV and our supadopefresh™ Brand. After spending a good bit on bringing the space up to code, I had been stressing about furniture for the lobby and for various set designs. Well, tonight our business partner Lonnie Jackson blessed us with more than enough furniture to get started.

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2023 Blog, 8 robinsons, leadership, Mario Robinson -

I have a message for my friends and my sons, and my nephews and my nieces as well. “If you hang out with the boys you still got to get up with the men.” It’s ok to enjoy life and have fun or even have your lazy days. But when there is work to be done, we get up and get to it. Eliminate putting off for tomorrow, what can be done today. I have several youth and adults in my circle that attempt to cease the day after 3pm, a time by which me and my brothers will have accomplished everything we set out to do for the day.

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