Mario DeBlak Robinson RSS
Sleep is Success
Not from getting beat up, working too hard, or exercising too much, but from mental exhaust. I woke up on top of a bed full of laundry. No. it had not been folded yet. My bedroom door was wide open, and I always sleep with my door closed (and locked even). The lights in my room were on. I laid down at 9:30pm, phone in hand, to scroll social media. I woke up at 5:52AM, just 8 minutes before my 6AM alarm would go off. Almost mad at myself because I didn’t finish the items on my to do list for the day…
Maintaining Peace is War
Every single morning that I wake up, I am faced with 1000's of decisions that cloud my mind. Positive and negative thoughts that compete for my time and attention. They desire my action. They crave for immediate execution. I am no where near the boy I used to be. I got this. I make the decision to rise from sleep, make my bed, wash my face brush my teeth. Good. I've won this morning (tomorrow who knows?).