Entry 005: It Takes a Team to Build a Dream
Just 3 years ago you could not have told me that I would be owning a Digital TV studio with a brick-and-mortar location. Over the last 3 months we have partnered with Rockwell Dance Academy to create a media center that houses 8 Robinsons TV and our supadopefresh™ Brand. After spending a good bit on bringing the space up to code, I had been stressing about furniture for the lobby and for various set designs. Well, tonight our business partner Lonnie Jackson blessed us with more than enough furniture to get started. It really hit me after we got everything loaded around 10:30pm and I had to drive to the studio to drop everything off before getting home after 12am. I love my people and how they all form up to lead when needed. Every time I reach a point of feeling overwhelmed, there is always a hand close by for me to grab and it pulls me up with ease. It takes a dynamic team to learn its positioning and each person lean into their strengths. I appreciate how we hold each other accountable and step up whenever needed. I always talk about the storming, forming and norming phases of team building. I am so thankful for the way we power through each of these and have built several brands over the years. I smiled when I got a notification of a new subscriber at www.8robinsons.tv and texted them “thank you” as soon as I had a chance. None of this works without our village. Nothing moves without the energy of the team and I’m so thankful for every single person around me!
#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #8robinsonstv #yellowtubcreative #supadopefresh #mariorobinson #village #team #teambuilding #helpinghand #brandmanagement