Entry 006: Sometimes you Need to Reintroduce Yourself
It took me years to learn how to block out people’s opinions of me whether they were voiced, written or simply implied. I teach that we should never let someone’s opinion of us set the reality of who we are. The only way to impact opinion and perception is to consistently be the most authentic version of yourself that you can be. Once that is mastered, then focus on projecting yourself. Own your story. Be proud of who you are becoming. Reintroduce yourself to those who only know the old you. Especially when meeting people from your past or those who seem to be stuck in “your” past. Shake their hands firmly and make eye contact when asking them to meet the new you. One of the hardest transitions I ever made was becoming a manager amongst my peers. I had to find ways to do 1:1s, Annual Reviews, Hire, and Fire people I had worked side by side with for years. My Senior director at the time knew about my family business and told me that if I could hire and fire a family member, I could easily handle this job and she trusted me to lead as the new me. And over the next few years I would come to work every day and operate as the new me. Even now as I grow older and gain experience, I’m a consistent work in progress. If you don’t know me, Hello! I’m Mario D’Andre Robinson also known as DeBlak. I’m a creative manager, digital tv network owner, and entrepreneur. I’m never what I was yesterday, yet you would love every updated version of me.
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