Sleep is Success
I passed out last night.
Not from getting beat up, working too hard, or exercising too much, but from mental exhaust. I woke up on top of a bed full of laundry. No. it had not been folded yet. My bedroom door was wide open, and I always sleep with my door closed (and locked even). The lights in my room were on. I laid down at 9:30pm, phone in hand, to scroll social media. I woke up at 5:52AM, just 8 minutes before my 6AM alarm would go off. Almost mad at myself because I didn’t finish the items on my to do list for the day…
It was a needed recharge. I got up. I folded and put away the clothes. I made my bed up. I cleaned myself up and put some fresh clothes on. I checked email and got my agenda for the day outlined. Yes, some things rolled over from the day before. I smiled because I could feel myself ready to take the day.
I’m sharing this because I want my sons and my siblings and my village to know that sleep is a part of success. If we don’t rest properly, our bodies will shut down automatically and the outcome is not always as favorable as mine was. Do not feel bad about being tired. Sleep. Wake up early. You have been awarded a full day to try again.
#maintainingpeaceiswar #mentalhealth #rest #sleep #mariodeblakrobinson #8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings