Day 005 - The Bigger Person
If you keep having to be the bigger person, you should consider not hanging around the little people. When I first heard this, it almost sounded like bullying. It felt as if the "little people" were less than or not worthy of. But upon further review, the "little people" are the bullies in this context. They are those trouble makers, rumor spreaders, and panic driven group emailers that we deal with so often in life and business. The Bigger Person has nothing to do with physical size. It is the person that has to find subtle ways to disassociate with drama and confusion. I've actually recommended finding a new job to people that I've managed. I could see that they were in constant conflict with the team and that they would excel in other environments. So I did all I could to help them transition to where they could be more successful. They still thank me to this day for being fully transparent and honest with them in an environment where that was not common. If you are consistently stressed and beat down by your environment and those around you, it is past time to find a new one. #8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #therootedinloveshow #8robinsonstv #leadership #changemanagement #transition #pivot #thepivot