Day 009 - We are Never Alone
A rootless tree can never stand on its own. The fact that I am still standing speaks volume for the village that surrounds me. I love how we look out for each other. They are my roots. I lean and depend on each and every person as they do the same with me. This is more than team work and much more than a series of collaborative projects. This is family. We are family. We eat, work, and have fun together. Our support extends far beyond the 3hr phone meetings and all day sessions at each others offices. While we depend on each other, we are very deliberate about growing and strengthening our own individual roots via education, activism, healthy habits, and knowledge sharing. These are people focused activities which all companies should have some internal support for. So if you are asking yourself, "how am I still here?", then there is a village around. If you need a village to be a part of, reach out to us and tell us your story. We are a growing family of businesses.
#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #village #ittakesavillage #leadership #management #collaboration #teamwork #ittakesateamtobuildadream