Day 010 - Digging Off Our Own Dirt
As we grow into adulthood we often have to dig off the dirt that was thrown on us. No one else will do it nor will they control the dirt being thrown. Actor Marvin "Krondon" Jones III speaks about the 5 Ps (parents, partners, peoples, places, and positions) who all throw dirt throughout life whether warranted or not on his People's Party interview. But it is always ultimately our responsibility to get the dirt off. There are many who speak of feeling underwater, buried alive, and smothered with life's problems. These are those who have allowed the dirt to continuously pile up on and around them. Everyday I want to be deliberate about removing the dirt. One positive act a day helps. A few minutes of Cardio each day drops weight and stress. Doing something that's 100% for yourself a few minutes each day helps build YOU. Find things you can do to help others gives them the tools to remove the dirt from their lives. So even if you somehow became life's dumping ground, you can change your environment.
#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #selfimprovement #selfmanagement #noego