Day 015 - Not Allowed to Be Scared
As I look back on my upbringing, I recall so many moments and situations where fear would take over my soul it seemed. But in those times, there were things that must be done and there was no way out. I couldn’t tell my parents I was scared of the dark when tasked with walking through the wooded path at night to my uncles’ house for whatever reason. When you are not allowed to be scared, it doesn’t mean that you won’t be. It simply means that you still have to accomplish your mission or goal regardless of the fear. My first time speaking to a crowd of people felt like I would die from nervousness. Fast forward years later and I am leading a grant writing seminar in my hometown. I practice reminding myself of when I’m not allowed to be scared, times that I must go through whatever obstacles stand in my way. Like most of us, there is no formal training in this. Well, maybe if you are military you can become mission oriented. But for us civilians there is just the accumulation of life experiences that make or break us. I chose not to be broken for the record. I am not allowed to be scared.
#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #inspiration #motivation #fear #overcomingfear #pushthrough #leadership