Day 022 – Soak up Knowledge
I don’t think the kids in our family understand the value of their current environment. They have the unique ability to gain invaluable experience just from being around, listening and watching all of their entrepreneur Uncles and cousins. The things we speak on are the things we spent 6-8 years in colleges learning. Some have traveled around the world and brought back knowledge and culture. We have built brands from the ground up and ALL that knowledge is at their fingertips. Companies employ us and quickly move us up as they realize the benefits. OTHER people’s experiences are the best teachers. If we have master’s degrees plus 1,000’s of hours of real-life experience, wouldn’t that expose them to the same things only they wouldn’t need high student loans or long years spent “paying dues”. I personally soak up as much knowledge as I can from my elders, fellow entrepreneurs, mentors, and anyone that has experiences that I have yet to gain. Soaking up knowledge is a life hack and I can only pray that my son’s generation can learn from the experiences of others rather than repeating the same mistakes.
#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #leadership #eachoneteachone #experienceisnotalwaysthebestteacher #execute #entrepreneur #learn #selfhealing