Day 023 - Create the Way by Your Walking

2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Mario Robinson -

Day 023 - Create the Way by Your Walking

I agree that in life, you have to walk, and create the way by your walking. There is rarely a ready made path designed specifically for your individual journey. Knowing this, I move forward one step at a time with a purpose that’s embedded deep within my being. Much of what I do along my journey is new to me. Processes and task that are sometimes extremely challenging, often requiring that I reach out to my network for knowledge or assistance. I crave the feeling of learning. When a way is not so clear that I can easily run and jump and soar across each step, then I know that I am existing outside of my comfort zone. Then I am accepting my charge to do more and to be more than I had previously imagined. I remember spending hours across days in the woods with my brothers. We had sticks and machetes and walked miles through overgrown fields and forest, swinging our “weapons” in front of us as if we were in some imaginary battle. Moving forward only, until we found some lake or running creek or open area that would serve as our home away from home that summer. When we would look back at the trails and pathways we created, we imagined ourselves great explorers. We camped and fished and played in those woods summer after summer until we were too old to jump the neighbor’s fences and walk through strangers yards to reach the woods we grew up playing in. Maybe this was the training we needed in order to learn to create the way by walking. Being little barefoot country boys was not such a bad way of life after all.


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