DAY 027 - Love is Almost Enough
There were times when I gave my all to my work. I would hear phrases like “We Bleed [insert primary color of company brand]!” and would even follow along in the chanting. It was cool to have two phones until it was inferred that I should answer at anytime that phone rang or texted even while on vacation. I accepted this because it was company culture to do so, and I saw my co-leaders doing the same. I also quickly moved up in any organization because of my efforts, so the dedication did not go without reward. Not only did I tend to give my all to my job, but I also gave my all to my 8 Robinsons business which is also a lot of work. I learned the hard way that Love of a job can’t provide 100% of my happiness. Somewhere along the way “Work life balance” became a catch phrase and although I heard it a lot, the culture mostly remained the same. I’m willing to bet that this is still true for most organizations. Then work life balance becomes an individual mission. Knowing when to say no, when to take time off and when to turn the phones off must be up to the individual. This is also true for personal relationships. If you give 100% of yourself away, then what is left for your personal happiness. These days I’m much more protective of my personal, family and business time.
#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #workaholic #worklifebalance #mentalhealth #leadership #teamdynamics