DAY 028 - Someone Else's Star

2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Mario Robinson -

DAY 028 - Someone Else's Star

I always want to walk my own path. I was taught that I should never count another man’s money early in life. Instead, I should focus my everything on mine. It gets to be very challenging to move forward with blinders on when social media is everywhere. At one point I couldn’t remember that last time I simply “surfed the web”. Now everyone scrolls their phones looking at random YouTube and TikTok videos. We stare blanketly at 1,000s of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter post per day. I’ve been practicing restraint in that aspect. I heard an African proverb that resonated with me today. “Don’t set sail on someone else’s star.” In order to sail on our own stars, we must find our own purposes. We must walk boldly and often where our family and friends haven’t been before. Take time away from all the noise in society. Limit time on apps and phones to mediate on your purpose. Become as true to your passion as possible. There are more than enough stars for each of us to sail on our own.

#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #nouni #nounicornsindecatur #passion #purpose #career #path