DAY 034 - My History is My Road Map

2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Black History, Black History Month, Mario Robinson, ThemRobinsonBoys -

DAY 034 - My History is My Road Map

The study of my personal history continues to guide my footsteps. A study of history is critical to any people. Deep inside of each of us are core beliefs and connections to people, places, and personal items that we wouldn’t otherwise understand. I’ve experienced the lost feelings of ignorance. Feeling like you don’t fit in or don’t belong can lead to some dark paths. So, my history is my road map 365 days per year. What are the best foods for “me” to eat? What geographical areas best suit “me” to live in? Why do “I” respond these ways to emotional triggers. When asked, why is my specific history so important, the answers to these questions and more sit idle there waiting to be discovered and shared. It doesn’t take a deep study or costly fees paid to ancestral research companies to learn. Talk to your parents, grandparents, cousins and others. Learn from and about them. Find friends and mentors with similarities and start to build you a virtual village. There is a power and a strength found in historical data. Underneath all the tragedy and hardships, I find a rich reserve of perseverance. I find an ability to go through the worst of situations and come out singing songs of joy and happiness. I’ve tapped into a natural desire to build with my hands what my mind can imagine. My history is my road map to a successful existence in a place that often feels strange and non-inclusive.  My history is my life hack.


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