DAY 036 He who controls images controls minds
Even before I was introduced to the world of digital asset management, I understood the power of great imagery that could tell stories at 1st glance. I knew that perception is reality in a society where your image travels to places in the time it takes you to blink twice. Brand management is about taking ownership of your image. It is entirely possible to sculpt stories of anything you can desire and create alternate realities. All with the use of imagery shared across channels. Own your image. And for the most part, people will believe what they see. I choose to tell my story with honesty and integrity. I share real moments daily that are a testimony to my upbringing, education, and experiences. I teach others to own their image. Utilize free social media channels and free websites. If you could care less about how you are perceived, then carry on. None of this applies to you. But if you are any kind of public figure and understand brand management, then take some steps to own your brand.
#8robinsons #8robinsonstv #untamedcreativebeings #brandmanagement #selfimage #selfworth