DAY 037 Trying to Look Good in a Broken Mirror
I have been operating 8 Robinsons officially since 2007. There have been some tough years along the way. I realized early on that I had the type of business that never had to close. It’s 100% family owned and operated. We operate out of home offices and when we need equipment we purchase it, so there is no business debt. We operate in our spare time and on weekends and have been growing ever since. BUT there are those moments when I compare myself and the company to others and find hurt. I find disappointment when we don’t measure up to “their” success, only to now realize that I’ve been trying to find our beauty in a broken mirror. That is exactly what comparison to others is. It is not possible to see your true reflection by looking into a broken mirror. But we all find ourselves searching through the fragments trying to mentally assemble the broken and warped images that we see. In my house (amongst our community, fans, supporters), there are no broken mirrors, where even constructive criticism comes from a place of love and desire to be better. I’m having to learn to look within to see my beauty. We are all surrounded by broken mirrors, and I hope that we can all recognize when we are searching for our beauty and success in a broken reflection and that we only need to look within to see the whole unfiltered, raw, beauty that comes natural and free to us all. It’s a beauty that you don’t need eyes to see. You only need the ability to focus and to feel and to really listen with your heart.
#8robinsons #8robinsonstv #untamedcreativebeings #beauty #selfworth #leadership #comparison