DAY 046 - The Power of Persistence
I have a lot of clients from my past that I still check on. I visit the old websites I designed looking for growth. I see if the brand has grown well. There are those that make me smile SUPER BIG! When I go to websites or social media pages and am unable to find any links to work that I either completed or assisted in the creation of, I do feel a way. I want growth for them all. I desire success for everyone. One that I have been particularly proud of is the Black Health Matters Movement. I remember talking with Roslyn Young-Daniels and hearing her lay out a plan of the whats, whens, and hows of Black Health Matters. It sounded like an enormous feat to even imagine. She spoke with confidence, and I knew that she had great experience from her background and existing network. Every year that I would go back to check, the website would have grown by 100’s of pages of articles and followers and members. Then came the health summits and conferences. I saw whole organizations backing her movement as well as contributing. I have learned the power of persistence by simply following Roslyn’s journey. I understand the magic of believing in yourself and the results of applying hard work to an idea. Her planning seems as flawless as her ability to execute. Her movement ads value to a global community and her legacy is organically growing and spreading. I’m super proud of blackhealthmatters.com and all that is being accomplished weekly with the brand. What will your story be? When does your journey start?
#8robinsons #8robinsonstv #untamedcreativebeings #blackhealthmatters #blackhealth #entrepreneurship #vision #movewithpurpose #exposeyourpassion