DAY 061 – Learn to Love Kindness
Taking revenge even against someone often hurts you more. It takes an incredible amount of energy to think, plan and execute on revenge. You may think, “Oh I would never hurt anybody!” But revenge isn’t always about physically hurting another person. Something as simple as spreading a false rumor can have a butterfly effect that almost always comes back to you. I remember talking with my ex’s aunt and uncle and said somethings about my brother. In a matter of days I found myself three states away in a driveway at night having to explain myself to my brother! I’m thankful for that lesson. It taught me firsthand to learn to love kindness. I always tell my brother that I appreciate his honesty and willingness to talk and explain things because he truly owed me no explanation. I owed him an apology. Moving forward in that manner, there is a peace that comes with being kind and showing kindness. I sleep better at night knowing I haven’t put any “New” bad energy in the universe (Because I can’t change my past). I recommend to those that work with that they have verbal face to face discussions when needing to talk through a thing. I’ve seen emails go back and forth and gain cc’s and bcc’s until there is a full blown digital riot in the office. I’m hoping that the most of us can learn to love kindness.
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