DAY 065 – Finding Opportunity
Hiding from yourself and others often means that opportunity will not find you. I have never known opportunity to seek candidates in places where there is no like-minded activity. Everything that I am is a result of me performing and sharing my experiences as well as the results of those experiences. Then something almost magical happens. “Other People” begin to talk and broadcast about their experiences with you. Those words travel almost at the speed of light and go further than we could ever go on our own. They skip across social media and bounce around conversations on Airplanes and circulate through local communities. This is how our supadopefresh™ brand has spread around the globe to sponsor break dance competitions in Hungary, Italy, Africa, and all over the United States. Most would call it a “side-hustle”. But we have had to answer the question, “What do you do, when your side hustle grows much faster than any brand you manage?” It grew from a hip-hop based clothing brand to a podcast, web series, and global hip hop events sponsorship brand much faster than we anticipated. Even now we meet weekly to discus how to expand and keep up with the direction the company is headed. Opportunity comes when we take the first steps towards our goals.
#8robinsons #8robinsonstv #untamedcreativebeings #opportunity #brandmanagement #globalbrand #globalbusiness #entrepreneurship #hiphopculture