DAY 071 - Be Confident
I’ve never been an overly confident person. It is admittedly not the best trait to have for someone navigating life’s journey as a creative leader. I have had to adapt over the years. I’ve watched people come behind me and negotiate better salaries, all because I was raised to accept what I was given with no complaints. Countering a job offer felt like “talking back” in many ways. Highly skilled people from poor and humble upbringings must know that they are valuable. They often must be told about their worth and coached to be confident. But the real world doesn’t work that way. Jobs and contracts quickly go to those that are often less skilled. The larger salaries go right along with them. I remember learning that I could have negotiated not only salary but vacation time as well. I’ve seen cash bonuses become part of negotiations when salary desires could not be met. The entire time I sit watching from afar thinking, why couldn’t I have done that? The truth is that I could have. We can. We have to know and believe in our value regardless of what college or demographic we come from and move with confidence which is being taught a lot more than make eye contact and firmly shake hands. It is taking the risk of being denied a job because you asked for higher pay, more vacation days or even day one health care. It’s keeping your head up, speaking up and bringing value to the meetings you are required to attend. Be conscious of when you are lacking in these things so that you can self-manage your confidence.
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