DAY 079 – Our Free Will

2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Mario Robinson -

DAY 079 – Our Free Will

It took me what seems like a lifetime to understand what free will was and the power of it. I learned early on not to abuse it. We all have the incredible power to decide. It is ultimately a great gift. We can decide to be good or bad. We can choose wrong or right, knowing full well that there are consequences to our actions either way. I love waking up on Monday and choosing for it to be a great day. I look forward to the challenges I’ll face throughout my day because of the lessons learned and skills developed. I respect my free will enough not to make decisions to hurt others or myself. I choose to spread love. I must say that it is an hour to hour and day to day struggle to do so. However, I am maintaining and surrounded by good people who foster those traits show so much love in return. Our free will is a superpower of sorts that can quickly convert us into heroes or villains.

#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #8robinsonstv #freewill #businessdecisions