DAY 086 – Compliment Someone

2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

DAY 086 – Compliment Someone

Mark Twain said he could live for two months on a good compliment, and I agree. I still thank people for compliments I got months and years ago. I want them to know that in those moments I was at some of my lowest points and with or without knowing, they lifted my spirits and gave me motivation to keep thriving. I try to pay it forward by letting others know when I appreciate them or when I notice their efforts. Most appreciate it, though there are times when I get a look like “why do you care, you don’t know me.” I smile even in those moments, because the compliment if for my benefit as much as it is theirs. We don’t seek things in return for compliments. They are just given.


#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #kudos #leadership