DAY 095 – To Dream is a Gift

2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Dream, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship -

DAY 095 – To Dream is a Gift

Those of us that dream have been given a gift. That gift magnifies when we wake up and complete any amount of work towards that dream.  When we focus on our dreams, they become inevitable. My father always tells us (my siblings and I) to be careful of the seeds we allow to be planted in our minds. As I got older, I understood that these were the people we would hang around, the music we chose to listen to, and even the TV shows we would consistently watch. So, I have always been very aware of what I allowed myself to be consistently exposed to. I absolutely love to dream and when there are no negative influences on my dreams, they are elaborately beautiful spaces that are filled with inspiration. I’m guided by them, and they have never let me down.  Each day, I promise to do something towards my dreams.

#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #dream #leadership #visionary