DAY 098 – Embrace Wise Counsel
In a recent interview, I heard Daymond John say to “make it, master it, then matter!” I am a witness that this works as long as we work. Fifteen years ago, I started 8 Robinsons LLC, a family-owned web and design agency at the time. I wanted to prove that I could lead, manage, create, and grow a brand from the ground up. I had worked for several top companies by then including 7yrs with IBM. Only I could not get into management or leadership positions. So, I created a company and put myself in a leadership role. I paid family members and had teams overseas. I worked with several high-profile clients as well as small businesses and individuals. Back then, I never turned down work. See I had made it (the brand) and the work allowed me to (master it). 15years later we are focused on making sure that we matter. We are content producers now. Owners of a Digital TV Network. The work has changed over the years, but the mission remains the same. Establish a legacy that allows future generations of Robinsons and their allies to create freely and present their ideas to the global communities that love us! Make it. Master it. Then Matter!
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