DAY 101 – Dinosaurs Move Slow
The world moves at an incredible speed and those of us that fail to keep up often get left behind. We move like dinosaurs. Taking our sweet time, stopping to look around and eat a little bit. We may even take a long nap and then decide to just continue tomorrow. Dinosaurs don’t adapt well to what’s next. They cling to the “way things were”. We see them all the time in business. Think Radio Shack, Kmart, Blockbuster Video and others. I’m pushing myself to grow daily. I’m watching NFTs and even have a few available. I’m producing digital content and getting better at it daily, even using new mobile apps to do jobs once thought only possible on desktops. I’m willing to do the research and learn new things that help me grow. I like to think that I am a lifetime learner. I do not wish to move like a dinosaur nor to even be considered in that category. Something new is right around the corner!! #8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #8robinsonstv #digitalmediachampion #digitalassetmanager #creativedesign