DAY 105 – Everything Easy
Everyone wants the prize but no one wants to make the journey to get it. Maybe technology is responsible for creating a culture of making everything readily accessible. Technology seeks to solve problems and more than often can eliminate the need to work hard. Something as simple as a nail gun greatly decreases the amount of time it takes to frame a home, but it also removes the exercise and skill of swinging a hammer and driving a nail. I was in the mall this weekend and would watch people’s looks of disappointment as they passed a broken escalator, as if the worst thing in the world was to have to actually walk up and down steps. I’m a problem solver and a process waste remover myself, so I get it. I only pray that we don’t lose our desire to work hard and earn. I pray that we don’t forget essential skills that made us stronger, smarter and healthier because we moved around more. We have created a culture of easy and I wonder if that will do more harm than good.
#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #movearound #walk #run #communicateinperson