Day 276 Facing Fears

2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

Day 276 Facing Fears

Many people dont know that I have a frog phobia. I cant stand the thought of touching one. Sure there were those growing up that would pick them up and run towards you and in those moments I felt like the fastest man alive. I was watering our garden today and noticed what i thought was a rock, but sure enough there I was standing right next to a grey FROG!! Only I wasnt scared. I felt like it needed the water I was providing. I imagined it saying "thank you sir!" Still didnt want to touch it, but I wasnt scared. Me and my brothers have been discussing facing the monsters in our lives and looking them in their eyes. One cant always hope to avoid conflict and I'm thankful to be learning this lesson in this way. Conflict is not always negative, but it will ALWAYS create a path to deal with looming issues. What we can control is HOW we deal with it. Here is to facing the monsters. Looking directly in their eyes and saying Here I Am!.

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