Day 285 - It's OK to be Quiet
With the continued growth of social media channels, it can feel like you always need to say something. Opinions get views which now can generate income. It feels like everybody is always talking. Conflicting opinions make the most waves and we are flooded with information that more than often has nothing to do with us or our paths in life. When I feel like I need to force myself to say something, I’ve learned to be ok with being quiet. If I have not posted in days or weeks, it is still ok to not have anything to say. I wonder what it would feel like for the world to be silent for one day. What if we could hear the wind and the birds so clearly that it almost echoed. The leaves are falling now, and I love to hear them rustling across the ground and dancing as they swirl down from treetops. The beauty of silence is rarely seen. So when I’m quiet, don’t think of me as antisocial. Don’t say I’m unapproachable. Just watch me. See if you can learn anything. Maybe our silent moments of reflection and meditation can influence someone else to do the same. Go fishing, read a book, go on a hike, have a moment of meditation with a loved one, work outside in your yards and gardens, just take moments to simply …be quiet. There is a healing power in that and that is all…
#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #meditation #silenceisgolden #listenandlearn #watch