DAY078 – We Create Beauty

2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

DAY078 – We Create Beauty

Imagine if your weekends were for building the life you want NOT escaping the life you have. Imagine now that it is as easy as committing to making this true. The photo is one of my favorite shots of Angelo T. Robinson who had to be exhausted. Angelo worked directly with Paulo Manso De Sousa and Will D Slay who own the De Sousa Slay Gallery located in Southern Arc Dance Center to curate the Diversity of Experience show. He had been driving around picking up art. No short drives across the city but treks to other counties some at least 1hr away. Shooting and editing video of many of the artist in their elements. Capture photos for social media posts. So many sleepless nights organizing and planning yet here you are, walking, triple checking your work in the early hours of the morning moving as if time doesn't exist. This photo may very well be a work of art itself! In this moment I understand that it isn't for people to see the grit and grime of the work. Our job is to present the beauty of what a strategically selected group of artists can create. Our job is to present the final picture. I love that we create beauty and that’s not such a bad life to live day to day.


#desousaslaygallery #desousaslay #yellowtubcreative #diversityofexperience #artshow #curatedbyangelotrobinson #paulomansodesousa #willdslay