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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

I’m trying my best to teach my sons to take pride in themselves and in their work. One is all about his outfits and matching hats, while his work ethic and grades leave much to be desired. I tell him that loving yourself includes more than just having nice clothes and shoes. That’s a very limited way of thinking and I don’t wish for them to be trapped in that way. So, everything we do becomes a representation of our personal brands. Work ethic should include the ability to help others and to do so even when there is little to no financial gain. Work ethic should be like a 7th sense that kicks in and compels you to do what it takes to assist in reaching a point of completion for any given task. I go to so many places of businesses and see people almost mad to be there. Good customer service is rare to find. Taking pride in yourself should extend to any work that you do. It seems popular to be angry. I teach them to smile and be courteous and try not to allow bad attitudes to follow them everywhere they go. I know it can be difficult, but whether you are cleaning toilets or playing professional sports, you should do the job well and with a sense of pride.

#8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #8robinsonstv #brandmanagement #workethic

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

The mind is such a powerful tool that what you think is what you attract. I practice thinking that I can do anything that I put my all into. I remember being terrified but finding the nerve to tell my mom I wanted to be a rapper. I never found the nerve to tell my dad, the pastor. But I knew mom would deliver the message for me. She looked at me with straight face and told me “Then, you be the BEST rapper YOU can be.” I did eventually become a rapper although I fell in love with the business of brand development and entrepreneurship more so than being on stage performing.

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

Treat life like a camera. 1. Focus on what is important to not just you but to others. Legacy building is about building and empowering a community around you, not just yourself. In this sense, Focus becomes a much bigger concept than what meets the eye. 2. Capture the good moments. I’m learning to pause and reflect even the smallest win. 

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

I am practicing fully diagnosing things in my life before prescribing. So, I spend more time watching and listening than reacting. I remember certain situations that I have misread and pray that I have learned from the adverse outcomes. In typical male fashion I was guilty of wanting to jump in and help when others brought their problems to me. In office and in personal life, this was true. But there was one time when I was stopped and told “hey, I only needed you to listen! I got this!” 

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

Growth occurs in so many ways. It shifts and morphs as we get older. We grow in size, shape, knowledge and understanding. We even grow in love! The moment that we stop growing in any way, we cease to exist. In nature, any living organism that stops growing will die.

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