8 robinsons RSS
DAY 103 – What Can You Live Without
Since I left corporate America, I have learned one main lesson on finances. Attaining Richness and wealth is not so much about what we make as it is about what we can do without. I had just come back from driving my son to school, then planted lettuce in my garden and cooked me some breakfast. I smiled looking out the sunroom window at an apple tree I had planted over a year ago now thriving in the backyard. Then I logged in to my laptop for work and thought “this is really a beautiful life.”
DAY 102 - Yesterday is Gone
Our past can be our biggest enemy. One that is extremely difficult to fight. So, while we are aware of it, we should not focus on it. The fight is in front of us. We should never focus on things we cannot change. Things that have came and gone are no more. I went back to where I grew up. Stood at the top of the hill that once looked down on the acres of land we had. I imagined the plum and crabapple trees we would eat from as we played outside. I could almost feel...
DAY 101 – Dinosaurs Move Slow
The world moves at an incredible speed and those of us that fail to keep up often get left behind. We move like dinosaurs. Taking our sweet time, stopping to look around and eat a little bit. We may even take a long nap and then decide to just continue tomorrow. Dinosaurs don’t adapt well to what’s next. They cling to the “way things were”.
DAY 100 – Time is the MVP
Time doesn’t change things. It is us, the people that changes things over time. It is nature and science that shifts the very soil that we walk on. All the while time minds its own business and just keeps moving along. It doesn’t stop for any reason. If at any moment we fail to do something that we should, we lose that time.
DAY 099 – Get Rid of Your Distractions
My most productive teams were the ones that enjoyed their work so much that even though they laughed and joked with each other, they almost competed at who could produce the most. They had little time for distractions. My absolute best time spent in a relationship were those moments when there was no one else around except my lady. My kids have the most memories from those times where I was giving them 100% of my attention playing, teaching or simply talking with them.
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