2022 Blog RSS

2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

Sometimes, it takes experiencing things firsthand to fully understand them. Everything seems so distant these days with so many people spending the majority of their time confined to their homes. A pandemic made it easy for our perceptions of life and each other to run wild with our imaginations.  I’m encouraging people to make eye contact.

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Atlanta breakin events -

I’ve never been an overly confident person. It is admittedly not the best trait to have for someone navigating life’s journey as a creative leader. I have had to adapt over the years. I’ve watched people come behind me and negotiate better salaries, all because I was raised to accept what I was given with no complaints. Countering a job offer felt like “talking back” in many ways. Highly skilled people from poor and humble upbringings must know that they are valuable. They often must be told about their worth and coached to be confident. But the real world doesn’t work that way. Jobs and contracts quickly go to those that are often less skilled. The larger salaries go right along with them. I remember learning that I could have negotiated not only salary but vacation time as well. I’ve seen cash bonuses become part of negotiations when salary desires could not be met.

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, de Sousa Slay, Southern Arc Dance Center, Yellow Tub Creative -

I try my best not to carry disappointment in myself for too long. The one thing that really gets under my skin, is when I start something and fail to finish. I love that I see this in my brothers as well. This past weekend we hosted a beautiful art exhibit curated by Angelo Robinson that found us spending a lot of long days and late nights. There was lots of driving around picking up art and the price of gas could not be a hinderance...

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Mario Robinson -

Many small details create the bigger picture. Most teams are comprised of those who are visionary thinkers working alongside those that really enjoy digging in the day-to-day operations.  I learned that I was both, only when I get stressed, I become very detail and facts driven. We would all love to get to the end goal as quickly as possible. Those that know the process, understand that there is no successful end goal without 1000’s of small, detailed task that must take place.

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Mario Robinson, ThemRobinsonBoys -

I recently stopped taking freelance jobs. I knew it was time to stop when I felt as if no amount of money could justify the time lost. Outside of being a father and working regular jobs, I am passionate about building my family brands. Everything else feels like a distraction. Time stays around just long enough to be enjoyed by those who will use it. I no longer stress about giving in to a nap or going to bed early. It is beautiful when time allows for such things. I smile in traffic as I drive my son to school and pick him up each day. He often asks me why I take the long way home. I tell him that I need the time away from my computer, but really, I...

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