2022 Blog RSS

2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

We live in a society full of mirrors. We see ourselves at every turn. I can do a search on social media and pull up thousands of photos of myself that I never personally took. Yes, there are that many cameras pointed our way daily. We are the selfie generation. But sometimes it is more important to look within. Incredible things can happen when we walk in faith and allow ourselves to feel and be guided by intuition. Do we really need to look into a mirror to know how we “feel”?

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Mario Robinson -

My father taught us at a young age to mind our thoughts. While the spoken words do have power, I fully believe that our thoughts are even more potent. They are a life force within each of us that travel far as they are the roots of the words we speak. My father, a pastor, would remind us that as a man thinketh in his heart, so shall he be. Those were early lessons in morality and integrity. Thinking the wrong thoughts could be the beginning of great suffering OR open the door to endless possibilities. 

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Atlanta breakin events, Atlanta Events, bboy, bgirl, Brand Management, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, Jerald Robinson, Mario Robinson, supadopefresh, Supadopefresh events, ThemRobinsonBoys -

Hiding from yourself and others often means that opportunity will not find you. I have never known opportunity to seek candidates in places where there is no like-minded activity. Everything that I am is a result of me performing and sharing my experiences as well as the results of those experiences. Then something almost magical happens. “Other People” begin to talk and broadcast about their experiences with you. Those words travel almost at the speed of light and go further than we could ever go on our own. They skip across social media and bounce around conversations on Airplanes and circulate through local communities.

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Mario Robinson -

We use the term Perception is Reality a lot in my world. Another way to view that is that our work is only a presentation of our capabilities. This gives renewed meaning to the term “Put your best foot forward.” With or without praise or accolades, I want to be known for high quality work. I want to be known as kindhearted and more than capable. I’m ok with being overqualified. I remember in college I was working as a dishwasher in Reinhardt College’s cafeteria. My boss at the time jokingly told me to go clean the grease off the roof. I didn’t get the joke and asked him if they had a ladder in the back...

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Mario Robinson -

If quitting is always the result of incredibly challenging problems, how can anyone ever get the rewards of their effort. It seems unfair that reward lies so far on the other side of effort and yes, I’ve quit some things in my life. However, I was raised to never quit. I had asthma growing up and finished a whole little league football season because I didn’t want to quit. It meant I spent the majority of games sitting on the bench. If I couldn’t practice, I would still attend and help wherever I could on the field. A brotherhood that still exists was formed during those years. 

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