2022 Blog RSS

2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

Anything that you pretend you are, you are not. It’s worth the effort to do the research and plot the course to becoming whoever you dream to be. If a college degree isn’t realistic, try certificate programs at local community colleges. If time doesn’t allow for school, find a mentor or an apprenticeship. And if that doesn’t work, watch 10,000 hours of related YouTube content. Get the point yet? There is no excuse to pretend to be something or someone you are not. Many jobs train on the job.

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, Grow, Growth, Mario Robinson -

Should technology adjust to us or should we continue to innovate in that space and allow the world the opportunity to catch up. Even after watching large enterprises like Blockbuster Video, Kodak, and even Movie Theaters fail to keep up with the demands of technology. We have to adjust to Technology and not the other way around. Will all cars and trucks be electric one day? Probably anything that isn’t a service vehicle. 

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, lincoln kokaram, With P.A.S.S.I.O.N, with passion workshop -

Our good friend Lincoln Kokaram was on our Rooted in Love Show and he shared with us about what it means to truly WIN. He described his version of W.I.N. to mean focusing on What is Important NOW. This is how to truly LIVE in the moment. We get things thrown at us daily and it can be challenging to distinguish between what is priority and what is not. 

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Mario Robinson -

It took me what seems like a lifetime to understand what free will was and the power of it. I learned early on not to abuse it. We all have the incredible power to decide. It is ultimately a great gift. We can decide to be good or bad. We can choose wrong or right, knowing full well that there are consequences to our actions either way. I love waking up on Monday and choosing for it to be a great day. I look forward to the challenges I’ll face throughout my day because of the lessons learned and skills developed. I respect my free will enough not to make decisions to hurt others or myself. I choose to spread love. I must say that it is an hour to hour and day to day struggle to do so. However, I am maintaining and surrounded by good people who foster those traits show so much love in return. Our free will is a superpower of sorts that can quickly convert us into heroes or villains.

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

Imagine if your weekends were for building the life you want NOT escaping the life you have. Imagine now that it is as easy as committing to making this true. The photo is one of my favorite shots of Angelo T. Robinson who had to be exhausted. Angelo worked directly with Paulo Manso De Sousa and Will D Slay who own the De Sousa Slay Gallery located in Southern Arc Dance Center to curate the Diversity of Experience show. He had been driving around picking up art. 

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