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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Discipline, leadership, Mario Robinson -

One of the biggest challenges that I face daily is maintaining discipline. It can be a heavy burden to manage several brands that include events, podcasts, and web series. There are those mornings where I snooze the alarm for at least two 15min extensions on my sleep [lol!], and weekends when I think to myself, “why can’t I have normal weekends where I watch sports and nap on my couch?” My weekends are spent shooting and editing video footage and planning social media post for the upcoming week. 

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, leadership, Mario Robinson, parents -

I gained an 8yr old son through marriage and had a son that same year. Jumping straight into parenthood was challenging and a beautiful thing all at the same time. I loved the idea of having these little people that I could pass knowledge down to. Over a decade later, I’m still teaching all the while praying that they get at least some of what I’m trying to give. One of the greatest jobs of parents is to leave your children with no excuses.

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons -

I’ve always been a quiet thinker. I’ve accomplished most of the things I’ve imagined or dreamed to do in life. I understand that I am a dreamer. I am ok with my imagination running wild and on more than a few occasions, I envision myself doing the impossible. I am a dreamer after all and, “All dreams begin with a dreamer.” 

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, Mario Robinson -

As I look back on my upbringing, I recall so many moments and situations where fear would take over my soul it seemed. But in those times, there were things that must be done and there was no way out. I couldn’t tell my parents I was scared of the dark when tasked with walking through the wooded path at night to my uncles’ house for whatever reason.  When you are not allowed to be scared, it doesn’t mean that you won’t be. It simply means that you still have to accomplish your mission or goal regardless of the fear. My first time speaking to a crowd of people felt like I would die from nervousness.

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Mario Robinson -

I was watching a show on tv and heard someone say “I don’t want to live the wrong life and then die.” I thought how powerful the statement was. It forces one to deal with themselves almost like looking in the mirror and really analyzing self. I wondered how any of us knows if we are living the right or wrong life. I’m willing to bet that we can all feel when something is off. I remember sitting in my car in the parking deck at my old office.

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