Mario Robinson RSS
DAY 028 - Someone Else's Star
I always want to walk my own path. I was taught that I should never count another man’s money early in life. Instead, I should focus my everything on mine. It gets to be very challenging to move forward with blinders on when social media is everywhere. At one point I couldn’t remember that last time I simply “surfed the web”. Now everyone scrolls their phones looking at random YouTube and TikTok videos. We stare blanketly at 1,000s of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter post per day. I’ve been practicing restraint in that aspect. I heard an African proverb that resonated with me today. “Don’t set sail on someone else’s star.”
DAY 027 - Love is Almost Enough
There were times when I gave my all to my work. I would hear phrases like “We Bleed [insert primary color of company brand]!” and would even follow along in the chanting. It was cool to have two phones until it was inferred that I should answer at anytime that phone rang or texted even while on vacation. I accepted this because it was company culture to do so, and I saw my co-leaders doing the same. I also quickly moved up in any organization because of my efforts, so the dedication did not go without reward. Not only did I tend to give my all to my job, but I also gave my all to my 8 Robinsons business which is also a lot of work. I learned the hard way that Love of a job can’t provide 100% of my happiness.
DAY 026 - Comparison Strips Away Joy
I come from a family of ten. Six boys, two girls, one mom, and one dad living mostly always in a 3-bedroom home. Along the way we all became creatives. 8 kids all with the ability to draw what they see. We loved drawing and painting. Most still do. What we dealt with growing up was the constant comparison of our skills and output. People would directly ask us who was the best artist in front of each other. We learned early on that in order to enjoy what we do, we have to appreciate each other’s unique abilities and celebrate our individual skills privately and publicly.
DAY 025 – Do More Than What is Required
No matter the industry or discipline you are in, there will always be those around you that surpass you or consistently remain behind you. The best way to get ahead and stay ahead is to consistently do more than what is required of you. As a manager, when it comes time for yearly reviews, it is always interesting watching reactions when I explain that meeting expectations is doing everything you are supposed to be doing very well. Most people do meet expectations.
Day 024 – Honor Comes Only After Giving
To think of it, I have never seen anyone honored for receiving something. 100% of the honorees that I know have great trails of work behind them and sometimes even more in front of them. They have helped reshaped humanity, save communities, rescue families, rehab individuals or even save themselves from seemingly impossible odds. Honor does not come from receiving, it comes from giving. I’m dedicated to being a giver.
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