Mario Robinson RSS
Day 015 - Not Allowed to Be Scared
As I look back on my upbringing, I recall so many moments and situations where fear would take over my soul it seemed. But in those times, there were things that must be done and there was no way out. I couldn’t tell my parents I was scared of the dark when tasked with walking through the wooded path at night to my uncles’ house for whatever reason. When you are not allowed to be scared, it doesn’t mean that you won’t be. It simply means that you still have to accomplish your mission or goal regardless of the fear. My first time speaking to a crowd of people felt like I would die from nervousness.
Day 014 – Living the Wrong Life
I was watching a show on tv and heard someone say “I don’t want to live the wrong life and then die.” I thought how powerful the statement was. It forces one to deal with themselves almost like looking in the mirror and really analyzing self. I wondered how any of us knows if we are living the right or wrong life. I’m willing to bet that we can all feel when something is off. I remember sitting in my car in the parking deck at my old office.
Day 012 – Surround Yourself with People Smarter Than You
When I first became a manager years ago, I learned a key lesson from an overseas business partner who managed 10xs more people as I did. He told me that it was simple. You cannot be afraid to hire people smarter than you. The key to having a highly skilled and engaged team is to hire highly skilled and engaging people.
Day 011 - Run Towards Peace
As hard as it is to build a brand from the ground up, I still smile at the experience and lessons learned along the way. This is by no means some get rich quick hustle or some grind that bears no fruit. I'm thankful for our growing community. I appreciate the paced speed of our path. He who runs after good fortune runs away from peace.
Day 010 - Digging Off Our Own Dirt
As we grow into adulthood we often have to dig off the dirt that was thrown on us. No one else will do it nor will they control the dirt being thrown. Actor Marvin "Krondon" Jones III speaks about the 5 Ps (parents, partners, peoples, places, and positions) who all throw dirt throughout life whether warranted or not.
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